Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Step-by-Step Guide: Upgrading Dynamics 365 CRM On-Premises

Upgrading Dynamics 365 CRM on-premises can be a straightforward process, but it’s important to follow a structured approach to ensure a successful and error-free upgrade. This guide will take you through the entire process, from preparation to verifying the upgrade, including troubleshooting any issues that arise, such as database version mismatches.

1. Pre-Upgrade Preparation

Before you begin the upgrade, it’s crucial to prepare your environment to avoid data loss and minimize downtime.

1. Backup Everything:

  • Database Backup: Backup all CRM-related databases (e.g., Org_MSCRM     and  MSCRM_Config) using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
  •  CRM Application Files: Backup the CRM application files on the CRM server.
  • Customisations: Export customisations, plugins, and workflows from CRM.

2. Check the Current CRM Version:

  • Log into Dynamics CRM and navigate to Settings > About. Note the current version        (e.g.,

3. Verify System Compatibility:

  • Ensure your SQL Server, Windows Server, and CRM application are compatible with the     version you plan to upgrade to (e.g., or 9.1.x).

2. Download the CRM Update Files

    1. Visit the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Updates Page and locate the appropriate update version    (e.g.,

    2. Download the relevant files:

  • CRM Server Update (CRM9.0-Server-KBxxxxx-ENU-amd64.exe).
  • SRS Connector (CRM9.0-Srs-KBxxxxx-ENU-amd64.exe) if you use SQL Server Reporting  Services (SSRS).

3. Apply the Update to the CRM Server

    1. Run the CRM Server Update:

  • Log into the CRM application server.
  • Run the CRM Server Update file and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Monitor the installation process and check for any errors.

    2. Restart the Server:

  • After the update completes, restart the CRM server to apply changes.

    3. Verify the CRM Application Version:

  • Log into CRM and go to Settings > About to confirm that the version has been updated.

4. Troubleshooting Database Version Mismatch

If the application version updates successfully but the database version remains out-of-sync, follow these steps:

    1. Verify the Database Version:

  • Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) on the SQL Server hosting your CRM database.
  • Run the following query on the Org_MSCRM database:

                            SELECT * FROM BuildVersion;

  •          If the version displayed (e.g., doesn’t match the CRM application version, proceed to the next step.

    2. Ensure Proper Permissions:

  • Confirm that the CRM service account has db_owner permissions on the Org_MSCRM and MSCRM_Config databases.

    3. Use CRM Deployment Manager to Update the Database:

  • On the CRM server, open CRM Deployment Manager.
  • Expand Organizations, right-click your CRM organization, and select Update.
  • This will trigger the database schema update to synchronize with the CRM application version.

    4. Verify the Database Version Again:

  • After the update process completes, rerun the SQL query in SSMS to ensure the database version now matches the CRM application version.

5. Install the Reporting Extensions (If Using SSRS)

If your environment uses SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), you need to update the SRS Connector:

    1. Run the SRS Connector Installer:

  • Download and run the CRM9.0-Srs-KBxxxxx-ENU-amd64.exe file on the SQL Server where SSRS is installed.
  • Follow the prompts and enter the Report Server URL during installation.

    2. Restart SSRS and CRM Services:

  • Restart the SQL Server Reporting Services and CRM-related services to ensure everything synchronizes properly.

6. Post-Upgrade Validation

After successfully updating both the CRM application and database:

1. Verify Functionality:

  • Test basic CRM functionalities, such as accessing records, running workflows, and generating reports.
  • Ensure that all custom plugins and integrations are functioning as expected.

2. Test Reports (if using SSRS):

  • Run a sample report to verify that the SSRS integration is working correctly.

3. Review Event Viewer Logs:

  • Check the Windows Event Viewer on both the CRM and SQL servers for any errors or warnings related to Dynamics CRM.


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